Due to the Spring Festival holiday, the in-stock orders sent from the Chinese warehouse will stop shipping from January 23rd to February 7th. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
[Group Buy] Zero-G Studio Z80 Great Sword Mechanical Keyboard Kit
Regular price$447.00
‼️ Before purchasing, you must read and accept the following terms and conditions, which are applied to all products related to Z80 Great Sword Groupbuy‼️
This is a "Groupbuy" product. Upon purchase, you acknowledge that theestimated shipping time is Q3 2023and delay may occur, due to but not limited to conditions like: shipping delay introduced by any unforeseeable production issue.
After purchase, you will be charged immediately.
Before GB ends, you may request for cancellation and a3% payment processing feewill be withheld on the refund.
After GB ends, NO cancellation is allowed.
Add-ons must be purchased with a keyboard kit.If you purchase add-ons without a keyboard kit, your order will becanceled and a 3% payment processing fee will be withheld from the refund.
Due to the manufacturing time restriction, we need to finalize and place orders with the manufacturer as soon as possible after GB ends.If you have any order edit requests, the deadline for change requests is: 1 week after the GB ends. After this date, NO change can be made. However, you may still change your shipping address at a later time.
This is a keyboard kit and does not come with switches, stabilizers, and keycaps, you must purchase them separately.
GB Information:
Groupbuy Start Time: 02/16/2023 12:01 PM EST
Groupbuy End Time: 03/02/2023 11:59 AM EST
Sale Format: Unlimited Groupbuy
Pricing: $439 - $465
Estimated Fulfillment Time: Q3 2023
All editions ship with:
Aluminum Top and Bottom Case
Brass Main Weight and Brass Additional Weight
1.2mm PCB
Daughterboard x 2
JST Cable x 2
3.5mm Poron Plate Foam
0.5mm IXPE PCB Layer
2.5mm Poron Case Foam
0.5mm Poron Laminated Anti-static Layer
Rubber Feet
Mounting style: Leaf-spring Gasket Mount
Typing Angle: 8 degrees
Front Height: Approx. 20mm without Feet, Highest Point at Rear End of Kit is 39mm without Feet
Firmware: QMK & VIA support
Connectivity: USB-C
Layout: TKL (Hotswap: ANSI, Soldered: ANSI + ISO)
Plate: PC, FR4, Aluminum (Aluminum Plates are Black Anodized)